JDFN Financial Network

Focus Your Dreams to Make Them Come Alive

Here is one of my favorite mental exercises. Pretend that, for once in your life, you had unlimited money and unlimited time. Don’t necessarily go crazy with your thoughts, but work to eliminate those initial barriers of time and money. What will you be interested in after you buy all of those lavish things you always thought you wanted? What’s beyond the bigger car, the faster boat, and the fancier house? Whatever they are, those are the really important things.

I can assure you that those of you that are a little older know exactly what I am talking about. There is a life time line where you got have more more more. I have had all the cars from a Cavalier to a convertible Murciélago Lamborghini, Bentley GT, big and fast boats etc. Now I am more focused on what counts most to me. How do you really know what is important to you? Simple, focus and take a few moments to work thru this and other mental exercises to help you laser in on those really important things. I can tell you this to accomplish your goals you must be willing to give up the not so important things, be willing to sacrifice to accomplish your truly important goals.

What 10 things would you do if you had unlimited time and money? Give yourself a few moments to come up with 10 answers, but not ones that are too long. Please write them down, either here or on a separate sheet of paper, seriously you need to do this, write it down, if you just do it on paper you won’t be able to burn the image in your subconscious which is the key to positive imaging, making the dreams become reality. Well, what did you find out about yourself? One thing many people discover, as a result of this exercise, is that listing 10 items is not as easy as they assumed it would be—even with unlimited time and money. If you found that to be true—if numbers 9 and 10 came hard— then you need to dream more. Have at it! You are now free to dream.

1. YOUR MISSION TO WEALTH TO-DO LIST 1. DEVISE A PLAN FIRST, AND THE STRATEGIES WILL FOLLOW. -You must come up with your plan first. Hildebrant’s principle applies here: “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” Wandering aimlessly will get you nowhere fast.

2. TRUST YOUR MENTORS.- To get the most out of this exercise, you must put your trust in people you don’t know. So I ask you to suspend disbelief. I ask you to think of me as someone you know and trust as you progress through my blogs. (There’s no downside and plenty of upside.)

3. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET.- Accumulating wealth is as much about mindset as it is about net worth. It may sound simple or even naive, but without the proper mindset, you almost certainly will not achieve your financial goals. If you do somehow achieve them, they’re likely to come undone quickly.

4. DARE TO DREAM. Dreaming is one of the first steps on the journey to financial independence. Think of Roger Bannister’s four-minute mile. Think of John F. Kennedy’s challenge to Americans to get to the moon before the end of the decade. You must first envision the future before it can become a reality. That may sound like another simplification (and indeed, it’s only part of the story), but that’s exactly what worked for me.

Don t skip this exercise. I actually sat down and did this when I was 15, as fate may have it; I found my list that I wrote some years back and realized that writing this down really helped and made the difference between success and failure. I actually wrote all my goals down, both short and long term, then I did the dreams as this exercise suggest. Over time my short term goals were all accomplished, my long term goals were really more short term and all accomplished, and my dreams became long term goals and then short term goals and then I achieved all the dreams that I had written down when I was 15. Two points here, one, do this, two update it yearly as your life’s values and what’s important changes and you want to be writing these changes down so that you can achieve them.

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