JDFN Financial Network






Getting RESULTS Month after Month

Get Realistic RESULTS NOW!
DO NOT FALL into the TRAPS of OTHERS claiming to have captured thousands of PIPS when the reality is always quite DIFFERENT.


Whether there's a (+) or a (-) trade; you'll hear it from US.  Market is full of UPS and DOWNS,  but there's always a +GOAL in mind at the end of each trading month.


Follow our Forex Alerts/Signals and we'll try our best to TARGET:


  • Daily goal of 30-80 Pips (Upon Market Conditions)
  • Get Alerts with Exact Entries, Stops and Limits
  • Get REALTIME Alerts on WIn/MAC Desktops, Mobile Apps, Email...
  • Up-to-date constant alert update in the event of alert closure earlier than expected.
  • And much more... (Get Started)




I just wanted to take a brief moment of your time and answer one of the biggest questions we get each week about our very successful forex alerts program.

We are averaging close to 400+ Pips per month.  I walked in and overheard one of my forex trading coaches on a call with one of my clients.  The customer was letting us know he was not getting the same results as we were using our alerts.  Why is that? Well, I know the answer and after about 5 minutes with the customer so did he.

Lets share with you an important lesson that just seems to escape all of us when trading.  Emotions! 


I have said it until I am blue in the face, I have educated on it and I have written several books about emotions and trading.  Bottom line Emotions and trading do not go hand and hand.


Here's the point, when you trade with emotions you will not be successful.  If you are trading on your own, have a plan and trade the plan.  Determine your trade before you get into the trade.  What direction are you seeing the currency go in, what price would you like to go and what are your targets for limit and stop prices.  Set those and walk away.  Once you start second guesing yourself you have already lost.  Using proper money management will help you become a successful trader in the forex market even if you are less than 50% successful on your trades.  

If you are trading with our forex alerts then you are half way home so to speak, because that is what we do, this is what our traders do, this is what our successful traders are using and what our goals are. 


Our traders and trainers all do and say the same thing.  We have traders who sign up on our alerts and then get our One-ON-One coaching, by the time they are done in less than 90 days, the light bulb goes off and they get it.  At minimum they are able to trade our alerts and follow along with our success.  In the other hand, we have traders that if they have a negative month, they'll simply quit only to return a few months later.  Trading is not a gamble, while it can be, its a long marathon full of surprises that can only be handled with patience.

I hope this helps, if you don't have the alerts give'em a try and see for yourself.

Happy Trading,


James Dicks!





 866.276.1923 - 407.265.1717



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