JDFN Financial Network

Time is to us as reason needs to be.

Time is to us as reason needs to be.
This non woven fabric basically means that we need time to evolve to our purpose and so that was why it was created. The long hand answer is purification of the soul and expansion of the spiritual consciousness to achieve our purpose and be at one with the universe, our purpose being our divinity and the universe our balance. I will take it apart so hopefully you will have more understanding. walking canes First, purification of the soul. The soul of an unenlightened person is clouded in darkness and in this darkness there are character flaws. These character flaws are also called demons and as recognition is their downfall I had better list them. The first one is pride personified by Lucifer, then sloth, Belphegor. gluttony, Beelzebub. envy, Leviathon.avarice, Mammon, lechery, Asmodus and finally anger and Satan. When you recognise them you bring them into the light and so they lose their power over you. When you know you are angry you are no longer angry kind of thing. polyester fabric Once purified these demons change into arch angels and the sins virtues. Pride becomes humility personified by Gabriel; sloth becomes fortitude personified by Raphael, gluttony temperance ersonified by Michael, envy hope personified by Uriel, avarice charity personified by Japhiel, lechery faith personified by Zadkiel and anger patience personified by Samael. rollator With these inside your soul becomes pure as with your nature for your soul transforms it. Hand in hand with this ransformation your spiritual consciousness expands for you evolve on two levels, spirit and self. This is done through light and basically you become more conscious of the spiritual world around you, which some call the kingdom of heaven. Spiritual wisdom is the form of light for the spirit expands with knowledge of the divine. Now having asked you for two leaps of faith it embarrasses' me to have dye sublimation to ask you for a sacrifice. The evolution of both spirit and self is greatly accelerated with the use of a mantra. This mantra must be said seven times in the morning and seven at night. It helps transform your physical will into your spiritual will by cleansing you of your material desire. It goes ' I surrender my will to the greater will, the will of the divine, I will to will thy will'. So to put it in a nutshell your material desire is your ego and it has to be dispensed with before you can obtain your purpose, which is to love.

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