JDFN Financial Network

The third is the spirit
discernment hospital bed when man knew good from evil and became like Gods. The fourth spirit is the spirit of wisdom your physical will and the fifth your imagination, the spirit of understanding. Basically wisdom is what you know in the sense of knowing the name of the painting and this expands your intellect and understanding is what it actually stands for. Together these make the sixth spirit; the spirit of knowing so if I knew the name of the painting and understood what it meant it would strengthen this spirit. Now spirit seven is the lord God, the culmination of the mergance of the other six. The spirit of purpose and as it is the lord God it is the purpose that you serve. dye sublimation lanyard The seven spirits incidentally tie in with the virtues and sins to make triads. These are the chakras so I guess I had better elaborate, the sins are the negative forces; the virtues are the positive and the spirits the neutrals.Now your next step to enlightenment is to find out how many steps there actually are. We call these the levels of understanding and there are ten of them. On the first step we see the mergance of;two of the spirits. These are the spirits of life and love, a being with the ability to create new life, flora and basic fauna. At the second level we meet the spirit of understanding which at this low level comes over as instinct, so it is a being sport bag controlled by its instinct, an animal. The third level brings us discernment; we know good from evil and can think for ourselves. In hand with this is the spirit of wisdom. We now have both thought and memory and our evolution carries on, on two levels. Level five is the journey we must go through to purify our souls and grow in wisdom and understanding until we are pure enough to reach level six. This is the mergance of the spirits of wisdom and understanding and it happens when you have an out of body experience in your sleep. Level seven is when your old will dies and is future lanyard spiritually reborn which is accompanied by level eight when you seem to know all things spiritually. You are now an enlightened soul you just need a purpose to serve. Level nine, the spirit of purpose and a triad to choose from, hospital bed manufacturer love anger or pride. This choice is based on what you imagine God to be, the lord God that is for that's the purpose that you serve. You might choose a God of anger, fire and brimstone kind of thing. You look around the world today and it fills you full of righteous indignation.

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