JDFN Financial Network

You might choose a God
pride tomato paste and thus serve in a self interested way or you might choose a God of love and then move on to the next level for that was the right choice to make. Before we move onto level ten I had better elaborate a little more to try and give you a bigger picture. If you think of the triad as a three headed dog you won't be far wrong. I have used a dog for it has been conditioned to serve man for the purpose you serve also serves you through the medium of fate. When you are serving your purpose things generally speaking go your way. canned tomato paste I say generally speaking for fate only creates the situations. I had better give you an example of this so you can see where I'm coming from.If you have wrote a book a situation might arise that you meet someone who can help to get it published. Maybe some one who knows a publisher or is a publisher themselves.It is their free will as to whether they act favourably though so it's not a forgone conclusion. If they don't, don't dishearten though for another situation will come along. If it's destined to be then mysun it will happen. Speaking of fate, it is also there to uphold spiritual laws, six to be precise. I have mentioned the law of love earlier so next we have the law of humility, if you take more than you need someone has to go without. You can see the results all around you so it does not need elaboration. A third law is the law of equality and that says that everyone is equal in the eyes of the lord. We all have this potential for growth within us, we are all evolving souls on the path of life, we are all equal for we are all the same. The law of consequences next, the consequences of one Titanium Sheet lifetime going into the next and the law of poetic justice next. What you sow so shall you reap and usually in quite an ironic way for the only thing wicked about God is his sense of humour. This is basically the law of consequences in one lifetime. All these five laws are put in place to try and create balance incorporated as a whole in the sixth law, creation regulates itself. And how does this fit in with love, anger and pride? What you sow so shall you reap. If your God is a destructive God you will live a fairly austere life, personnel tragedies whatever their scale would be Titanium Wire seen as punishments for imagined transgressions. If your God is anger you will be fuelled by anger, over riding common sense your perception of divine retribution making you its Nemesis thus generating destruction. What is one life in comparison with the word? Maybe the transgressions were not imagined then.

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