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The Forex Daily Digest – June 24, 2009

The FOMC is meeting through Wednesday afternoon and it appears likely the Federal Reserve plans to keep its options open until it’s sure that the U.S. economy is well on its way toward recovery. Economists believe the U.S. central bank is not about to hurry into any kind of a strategy that will take it away from current policy at the present time. A Fed announcement is anticipated at 2:15 pm (Eastern Time) Wednesday afternoon. In its statement, the FOMC is expected to announce that they will… Continue

Added by Forex Daily Digest on June 23, 2009 at 9:09pm — No Comments

The Forex Daily Digest – June 23, 2009

The equities markets experienced their most volatile trading day in two months on Monday. Big decliners were Bank of America and Alcoa and, among other things, the weak showing had a definite impact on the global confidence in the dollar. The World Bank announced today that the world’s economy will contract 2.9% this year which is a sharper decline than the 1.7% tightening it predicted back in March. The World Bank also said that the world “has entered an era of slower growth that will require… Continue

Added by Forex Daily Digest on June 22, 2009 at 7:06pm — No Comments

The Forex Daily Digest - June 22, 2009

There seems to be some positive economic signs brewing for the second half of the year. Although growth is expected to be rather fragile at first; not able to sustain any massive push forward – especially in the critical job market. Most of the benefits will come from the massive cash infusions the Obama government has completed over the past few months. The bad news is – the economy continues to collapse. The good news is – it’s collapsing at a much slower pace.

This week the… Continue

Added by Forex Daily Digest on June 21, 2009 at 8:55pm — No Comments

The Forex Daily Digest - June 19, 2009

After a very busy week, there are no major U.S. economic reports scheduled for today. Next week you can expect to see a number of important events that just might have a major impact on your Forex trading. Scheduled for release is the Existing and New Homes Sales reports, Durable Goods, first quarter Gross Domestic Product, Personal Income and Spending and the announcement from the next FOMC meeting will be released on Wednesday afternoon. There was a report this week that said Federal Reserve… Continue

Added by Forex Daily Digest on June 19, 2009 at 7:53am — No Comments

The Forex Daily Digest - June 18, 2009

It was a historic day in Washington DC as President Obama created a new government role for the financial regulatory system which rivals the reorganization that was enacted in the aftermath of the Great Depression in the 1930s. To avoid another economic collapse, the President said that financial regulatory reform is needed to ensure that another credit crisis does not occur again.

Key aspects of the Obama's financial regulatory reform proposals include the Fed becoming a systemic… Continue

Added by Forex Daily Digest on June 17, 2009 at 8:30pm — No Comments

the problem is not inflation now, its inflation in the future.

U.S. International Transactions: First Quarter 2009

Current Account

The U.S. current-account deficit—the combined balances on trade in goods

and services, income, and net unilateral current transfers—decreased to $101.5

billion (preliminary) in the first quarter of 2009, the smallest deficit since

the fourth quarter of 2001, from $154.9 billion (revised) in the fourth quarter

of 2008. The decrease was more than accounted for by a decrease in the… Continue

Added by Adam Horak on June 17, 2009 at 8:36am — No Comments

The Forex Daily Digest - June 17, 2009

The dollar recovered a bit from losses against a basket of currencies early today as a drop in European shares induced traders to release some positions in currencies that are perceived as high risk. The dollar also got some relief after the leaders of the emerging BRICs nations decided to steer clear of any direct attack on the USD's dominance; although Russia did call for a much smaller role for the dollar.

The GBP fell the most in more than a week against the euro and posted a… Continue

Added by Forex Daily Digest on June 17, 2009 at 8:14am — No Comments

The Forex Daily Digest - June 16, 2009

The U.S. dollar lost a bit of ground early today after a couple of days of solid advances, showing a some weakness against major currencies after the Bank of Japan issued an improved economic outlook and a measure of German investor confidence increased.

Also int he news today, Russia plans to ask for a cautious approach to any changes in global reserve currencies as leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China - the so-called BRIC nations - meet in Russia. A top aide to Russian… Continue

Added by Forex Daily Digest on June 16, 2009 at 8:53am — No Comments


I live in Canton, Michigan and would like to meet and trade with people from my area. I have been away from the software for a long while and would like to take it up again. Can anyone help me? Is there a group that meets in this area at all?

Added by Diane Klucka on June 15, 2009 at 2:39pm — 1 Comment

The Forex Daily Digest - June 15, 2009

It’s the start of another busy week with a great deal of news and economic reports that will surely influence the Forex trading this week.

The USD improved ahead of this past weekend’s G8 Finance Minister’s meeting in Italy, with Japan’s Finance Minister Yosano using his influence to push the USD higher. In light of recent speculation among Chinese and Russian government officials soliciting the need for a new global currency, Yosano expressed confidence in US Treasuries – calling… Continue

Added by Forex Daily Digest on June 15, 2009 at 8:00am — No Comments

formula for forcasting central bank rates

To raise or not to raise; that is the question.

With the US and global economies on the brink of a potential recovery when and how much should the FED raise interest rates? Let’s start off by looking at a formula often used by traders to predict the target rate for a central banks short term interest rates. Proposed by John Taylor in 1993 the (Taylor Rule) is widely accepted by economists today as a gauge for appropriate interest rate levels in conjunction with current economic… Continue

Added by Adam Horak on June 12, 2009 at 3:52pm — No Comments

The Forex Daily Digest - June 12, 2009

It’s the end of the week and we’ve seen some definite economic challenges as well as several terrific Forex trading opportunities over the past few days. Some of the economic reports on Thursday offered few disappointments. Retail sales finished up in May and weekly unemployment claims fell. Some money managers are remaining guarded, saying the economy still may be looking at some epic challenges, despite hundreds of billions of dollars of support from the Obama government.

Former… Continue

Added by Forex Daily Digest on June 11, 2009 at 8:36pm — No Comments

The Forex Daily Digest - June 11, 2009

The dollar found some strength yesterday, as U.S. stocks encouraged safe-haven flows into the greenback, helping to counterbalance foreign-exchange concerns over reports that Russia would cut its holding of U.S. Treasuries. Japan revised its January through March Gross Domestic Product number to a 3.8% decline, up from 4% drop.

The CAD destabilized a bit after stocks fell and the USD found some momentum accompanied by rising yields on 10-year Treasury notes and analyst conjecture… Continue

Added by Forex Daily Digest on June 10, 2009 at 8:14pm — No Comments

The Forex Daily Digest - June 10, 2009

The markets shrugged off the possibility that ten of the nation’s major banks will pay off their TARP loans after being given the permission to do so by the U.S. Treasury Department. Ten other big banks/lenders have a tougher pathway before they will be able to repay. The Fed approved capital-raising plans for these firms earlier this week which must be completed by Nov. 9th in order to obtain consent from the Treasury to pay back the government TARP money.

The USD showed some… Continue

Added by Forex Daily Digest on June 9, 2009 at 9:21pm — No Comments

The Forex Daily Digest – June 9, 2009

Another day and another opportunity for some great Forex trades. The USD and equities moved indiscriminately in Monday’s trading session. The dollar is totally mixed, ending higher against the euro and commodity currencies, but lower against the yen and pound. Monday’s trading developments seemed to spell out the fact that, since economic data is at a minimum this week, no one can ascertain a definitive direction. International political and economic news seems more uncertain as the waiting… Continue

Added by Forex Daily Digest on June 8, 2009 at 8:59pm — No Comments

The Forex Daily Digest - June 8, 2009

There are plenty of U.S. economic events scheduled for this week that could very well effect your Forex trading. Be on the lookout for Wholesale Inventories on Tuesday. The market expects inventories to come in at a negative 1.0 percent. Last month it recorded at negative 1.6 percent decline. Wednesday the U.S. Trade Balance will be released; expected at a negative $28.7 billion. Also on Wednesday, Crude Oil Inventory figures will be on the street, as well as the Federal Budget figures and the… Continue

Added by Forex Daily Digest on June 8, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Dollar collapse continues today

EURO/USD made the expected correction yesterday. Today it has formed the high (1.3616) and low (1.3564) during early Japanese session. It is expected to make volatile moves to cut the low and go below during European session to the expected area of 1.3500 and then rise from late European session to go above the high to the area of 1.3650 and above. Quick drops are buy opportunities during European session to book profit during US session quick rise.

GBP/USD is expected to swing… Continue

Added by Adam Horak on May 12, 2009 at 3:14pm — No Comments

FOREX trading methods Elliott Wave patterns.

Forex Trading Methods - Elliott Waves

What is Elliott Wave?

The Elliott Wave principle is a form of technical analysis that attempts to forecast trends in the financial markets and other collective activities, named after Ralph Nelson Elliott (1871–1948), an accountant who developed the concept in the 1930s, he proposed that market prices unfold in specific patterns, which practitioners today call Elliott Waves. Inspired by the Dow Theory and by observations found throughout… Continue

Added by Adam Horak on April 3, 2009 at 1:30pm — No Comments

non-farm news

There is a strong probability that US employment will again fall very sharply for the latest month and the net risk suggests a slightly weaker than expected report, although there is no sense in looking to forecast the data at this point expectations are that the first part of Non-Farm employment report declined between -640,000 and -700,000 jobs and the unemployment number weekend to 8.5% from the prior number of 8.1%. Although overall risk appetite remains firm following the G20 summit, there… Continue

Added by Adam Horak on April 3, 2009 at 8:26am — No Comments

Hyperinflation is staring us in the face.

On the Horizon.

Overall, there has been a significant improvement in risk appetite due primarily to the rally in equity markets, which will weigh on the USD. In addition, worries by Chinese Premier Win Jiabao over its massive US Treasury holdings has also caused USD selling. China, the U.S. government's largest creditor, is “worried” about its holdings of Treasuries and wants assurances that the investment is safe. China is clearly concerned that the Fed will solve this crisis with the… Continue

Added by Adam Horak on April 2, 2009 at 2:08pm — No Comments

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